Women's Way


Women’s Way is a program that pays for breast and cervical screening services for women who meet certain age and income qualifications.  Women can have insurance, but that insurance may not cover preventive screening services or they may have a high deductible. CVHD serves Barnes, Foster, LaMoure, Logan, McIntosh and Stutsman counties.


  • Lives in North Dakota
  • Is age 40 through 64
  • Is age 21 through 39, has breast symptoms (lump) or is due for a Pap test or needs breast or cervical diagnostic procedures
  • Has insurance that doesn’t cover Pap tests and/or mammograms or can’t afford to pay her deductible or co-payments or doesn’t have insurance
  • Meets income guidelines

To enroll call 1-800-44-WOMEN or 701-252-8130 and ask for Tonya. The process is easy and can be done over the phone.


Program Assistant

Tonya Drenth / tdrenth@nd.gov

Local Coordinator

Kara Falk, DNP / kfalk@nd.gov


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