Environmental Health


The Environmental Health Department is here to protect human health and the environment through prevention of disease, injury, and illness by the promotion of scientific evidence based practices and education. 

Central Valley Health District (CVHD) provides environmental health services and education in southeast central North Dakota for the following counties: Barnes, Dickey, Foster, LaMoure, Logan, McIntosh, Stutsman, and Wells.


All licensed facility inspections completed by CVHD are a matter of public record.


Aquatic Facilities

The Environmental Health Department licenses and inspects aquatic facilities (such as  pools, water parks, spas, wading pools and floatation tanks). Inspection and education of these facilities is performed in order to protect against the spread of recreational water illnesses, drowning, or other physical injury.


*NEW* Physical Address:

121 3rd St NW, Jamestown

Mailing Address:

122 2nd St NW, Jamestown

Phone Number:

Direct: (701)252-1325


(701)252-8130, ext. 9

Front Desk Office Hours:

9am-3pm (M-Th)

*Appointments are required to speak to a EH specialist.


Director of
Environmental Health

Marcie Bata / mabata@nd.gov

Environmental Health Specialist

Dylan Tarno / dtarno@nd.gov

Environmental Health Administrative Assistant

Kari Johnson / karijjohnson@nd.gov


The Environmental Health Department licenses and inspects those facilities that provide the following services: tattooing, body piercing, branding, and/or scarification. Inspection and education of these facilities is performed in order to protect human health by reducing the risk of communicable disease outbreaks and injury from body art.

Food Service Facilities

The Environmental Health Department licenses and inspects those facilities that provide food service to the public. Inspection and education of these facilities is performed in order to protect human health by reducing the risk of food-borne illness.

Non-Community Water Supply

The Environmental Health Department provides non-community water supply inspections for those facilities designated by the North Dakota Department of Environmental Quality of Municipal Facilities.

On-site Sewage Treatment Systems (OSTS)

The Environmental Health Department licenses installers and permits all new on-site sewage treatment systems and/or repairs to existing on-site sewage treatment systems which includes: septic tanks, drain fields, seepage pits, cesspools or holding tanks. Additionally, the Department provides inspection of existing permitted systems upon request. Inspection and education of systems is performed in order to protect public health by reducing the risk of waterborne illness and prevent ground/surface water contamination.

Tanning Facilities

The Environmental Health Department licenses and inspects those facilities that offer indoor tanning. Inspection and education of these facilities is preformed to increase disease control and ensure sanitation.

Food Recalls